Saturday, July 27, 2013

Introduce yourself?

hi friends!  i have started this blog spot for we were assigned an assignment in math on trigonometry.There is one person on here and you may have already seen on and think why recognise 'judy & paul'? we are in one group so i'd like to also include them here aswell (:

you have may stumbled upon this whether it may be you're already a friend or, just happen to really enjoy maths, as much as we do, especially with a down to earth teacher like ours.
p.s (just a LITTLE sucking up to get a higher grade)

no, but sincerely he is what makes maths a joy. 

hope after every lesson you learn something new and hoping that at the end of each blog post you'll be a step knowledgeable in trigonometry as we are!

p.s now scroll down all the way to the second post as that is where the lessons begin (:


judy, hannah & paul